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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Microsoft Office Power Point shortcut key

Common Microsoft PowerPoint tasks
Move between panes
Move clockwise among panes of normal view
Move counterclockwise among panes of normal view
Switch between Slides and Outline tabs of the Outline and Slides pane in normal view
Create and edit presentations
Create a new presentation
Insert a new slide
Make a copy of the selected slide
Open a presentation
Close a presentation
Print a presentation
Save a presentation
Run a presentation
Quit PowerPoint
Find text
Replace text
Insert a hyperlink
Check spelling
Cancel a menu or dialog box action
Undo an action
Redo or repeat an action
Work in an outline
Promote a paragraph
Demote a paragraph
Move selected paragraphs up
Move selected paragraphs down
Show heading level 1
Expand text below a heading
Collapse text below a heading
Show all or collapse all text or headings
SLASH (/) on the numeric keypad
Turn character formatting on or off

Work with shapes, pictures, and WordArt
Insert a shape
  1. Press ALT+U to choose AutoShape on the Drawing toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, use the Customize dialog box (point to Toolbars on the View menu and click Customize). To see more buttons, click Toolbar Options at the end of the toolbar.).
  2. Use the arrow keys to move through the categories of AutoShapes (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ), and select the AutoShape you want.
  3. Press CTRL+ENTER.
Note   To edit the AutoShape, select the AutoShape, and then use the keyboard to choose AutoShape on the Format menu. Select the options you want on the available tabs.
Insert a text box
  1. Use the keyboard to choose Text Box on the Insert menu.
  2. Press CTRL+ENTER.
  3. Type the text you want in the text box (text box: A movable, resizable container for text or graphics. Use text boxes to position several blocks of text on a page or to give text a different orientation from other text in the document.).
  4. When you are finished typing and want to switch back to editing text in your slide, press SHIFT+F10, choose Exit Edit Text on the shortcut menu, and then press ESC.
Note   To format the text box (to add a fill color or change the size, for example) select the text box, choose Text Box on the Format menu, and then select the options you want on the available tabs.
Insert WordArt
  1. Use the keyboard to choose WordArt on the Insert menu, Picture submenu.
  2. Use the arrow keys to select the WordArt (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.) style you want, and then press ENTER.
  3. Type the text you want, and then use the TAB key to select other options in the dialog box.
  4. Press ENTER to insert the WordArt.
Note   To edit the WordArt, select the object, choose WordArt on the Format menu, and then select the options you want on the available tabs.
Select a shape
Note   If your insertion point is within text, press ESC.
Do one of the following:
  • Select a single shape
To select a single shape, press the TAB key to cycle forward (or SHIFT+TAB to cycle backward) through the objects until sizing handles appear on the object you want to select.
  • Select more than one shape
    1. If it is not on your Drawing toolbar, add the Select Multiple Objects button.
      1. Press ALT+F , and then press CTRL+TAB until you select the Drawing toolbar.
      2. Press the RIGHT ARROW key until you reach the More Buttons arrow.
      3. Press the DOWN ARROW key. The Add or Remove Buttons menu will appear.
      4. Press the DOWN ARROW key, press the RIGHT ARROW key, and then press TAB until you reach the Select Multiple Objects button, and then press ENTER.
    1. On the Drawing toolbar, click Select Multiple Objects .
    2. Select the checkbox next to the object or objects you want, and then tab to OK and press ENTER.
Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, WordArt objects
  • To group AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ), picture (picture: A file (such as a metafile) that you can ungroup and manipulate as two or more objects, or a file that stays as a single object (such as bitmaps).), or WordArt (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.) objects, select the items you want to group and then press CTRL+SHIFT+G.
  • To ungroup a group, select the group, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+H.
Rotate a shape, picture, or WordArt
  1. Select the AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ), picture (picture: A file (such as a metafile) that you can ungroup and manipulate as two or more objects, or a file that stays as a single object (such as bitmaps).), or WordArt (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.) you want to rotate.
  2. On the Format menu, use the keyboard to choose the command for the type of object you selected — for example, AutoShape or Text Box — and then select the Size tab.
  3. Under Size and rotate, use the TAB key to select Rotation, and then type the amount of rotation you want.
  4. To preview the rotation, choose Preview.
You might have to move the dialog box in order to preview.
Show or hide a grid or guides
    Show or hide the grid (grid: A set of intersecting lines used to align objects.)
    Show or hide guides (guides: Nonprinting straight lines, both horizontal and vertical, used to visually align objects.)

Change grid or guide settings
Change the position of a shape, picture, or WordArt on a slide
  1. Select the AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ), picture (picture: A file (such as a metafile) that you can ungroup and manipulate as two or more objects, or a file that stays as a single object (such as bitmaps).), or WordArt (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.) you want to change.
  2. On the Format menu, use the keyboard to choose the command for the type of object you selected — for example, AutoShape or Text Box — and then select the Position tab.
  3. Under Position on slide, select the options you want.
  4. To preview the change, choose Preview  
  5. You might have to move the dialog box in order to preview.
Change the size of a shape, picture, or WordArt
  1. Select the AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ), picture (picture: A file (such as a metafile) that you can ungroup and manipulate as two or more objects, or a file that stays as a single object (such as bitmaps).), or WordArt (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.) you want to change.
  2. On the Format menu, use the keyboard to choose the command for the type of object you selected — for example, AutoShape or Text Box — and then select the Size tab.
  3. Select the options you want.
  4. To preview the changes, choose Preview.
You might have to move the dialog box in order to preview the drawing object.
Copy the attributes of a shape
  1. Select the AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes such basic shapes as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts. ) with the attributes  (attribute: An object or text feature, such as line fill or text color, that you can manipulate by using drawing tools and menu commands.)you want to copy.
If you select an AutoShape with attached text, you copy the look and style of the text as well as the attributes of the AutoShape.
  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy the object attributes.
  2. Press the TAB key or SHIFT+TAB to select the object you want to copy the attributes to.
  3. Press CTRL+SHIFT+V.

Select text and objects
One character to the right
One character to the left
To the end of a word
To the beginning of a word
One line up
One line down
An object (with text selected inside the object)
TAB or SHIFT+TAB until the object you want is selected
An object (with an object selected)
Text within an object (with an object selected)
CTRL+A (on the Slides tab)
All objects
CTRL+A (in slide sorter view)
All slides
CTRL+A (on the Outline tab)
All text 

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